I was born with an entrepreneurial spirit and my son definitely has one as well. We are both FULL of ideas. I believe that an entrepreneurial spirit can be "built" in kids who maybe are not as naturally creative (though I do believe that everyone has good ideas!).
Here are some great reads that I believe increase confidence and creativity in kids:
1. I Am by Enya Krieg
I may be bias (I wrote it hehe) but this book is intended to empower kids. I want them to know that they really can do anything they set their minds to because they are amazing people! An added bonus is that the book is printed on recycled paper using soy inks.
2. The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
Gosh I love this book. It follows the journey of a little girl who has an idea to make the most magnificent thing but her ideas on how to make it keep failing. It is a story about enthusiasm and resilience.
3. What Does It Mean To Be An Entrepreneur by Rana DiOrio and Emma Dyden
While the title may be a little dry, the story is so wonderful. It is about problem solving, not giving up, and believing in yourself when no one else does. We read this one almost every night. As an adult, I even feel inspired by it.
4. Molly Earns Her Pie by Misty Wall
We have had this book for a long time! It is a wonderful rhyming story that explains how you can work for something that you really want. There is a subtle theme as well about how you appreciate things more when you work for them yourself.
5. A Little Book About Ideas by Dani Balenson
This sweet little read for the younger ones. It explains in the simplest way what an idea is and what you can do with one. It is great for planting the seed on the significance of ideas.